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We can show you how to achieve immaculate showing appearance, easily and in less time with Pelipa Park Products.
Learn tips & tricks to presenting your horses like a professional each and every time.

About Us
Finding Inspiration in Every Turn
Our Story and how Pelipa Park was made is a very frustration one that turn our for the best and now we get to share our knowledge and products with you all!

Our Story
Meet Taryn
Presenting horses has always been a part of my life, starting from a very young age with my mum making sure all our Thoroughbreds were looking amazing even though presentation wasn't required for a horse to race, but my mum would make sure every hair on their body was perfect often she would put the saw print QTR markings for a added touch.
I was 6 when I got my first beautiful Dartmoor mare she had so much hair you couldn't even see her ears!
Often we would spend hours on the Saturday morning bathing, plaiting and primping my little pony along with a red hair ribbon braided tightly into her tail. We would turn up to pony club, and rally days with a perfectly presented pony, with people commenting on mums handy work and her perfect braids.
I outgrew my little pony and my dad brought me a beautiful steel grey gelding the pride and sense of achievement that my mum had when people commented on how my horse was presented was something that I wanted to achieve myself.
As time went on my Grey pony got old and I started my family, so horses were put to the side for many years. Unfortunately, I lost my beautiful grey pony at 31years of age and swore I would never buy another horse.....3 months later came a scrawny cremello with the bluest of eyes this was the start of my massive learning curve!
Prepping a cremello horse certainly isn't for the faint hearted, but what was more frustrating was his tail and mane were never white they always had the dirty yellow shadowing look no matter what product I used or how much I scrubbed it, it never looked clean.
Year after year I would be greeted with his presentation just isn't there, but I knew the hours spent washing and prepping told me otherwise! I remember one judge saying to me "These colour dilutes are something else aren't they, I see how much effort you have put in, but his tail lets you down honey" this simple comment drove me nuts!!!!!
I had encountered another huge problem along with our mission of finding a product that worked- Our cremello boy had super sensitive skin, so at times we couldn't go to a show due to him hiving up overnight to a product I had used, along with the 'promises of a white tail'- Yet my tail would be purple or blue up the top with a tinge of yellow at the bottom or sometimes worse GREEN TINGE!
One day I jokingly said to my husband " I am going to make my own stuff; I can't find anything that works for Marn"
and his reply was why not!
This started off a journey that I honesty had no idea about and we had a lot of disasters with me being overzealous with pigment colour and learning to only do tiny test patches as you will have a purple spotted horse for weeks!!
Our first outing using my products I will never forget, I was waiting at the side of my float when a lady walked past saying "omg look at that tail, that's tail goals!" but I knew I had nailed it, when I had 2 judges come over asking what products do, I use to present my horse to this calibre?
I was shy at first to even say "I made them" but throughout the day I had people coming up asking me what products I use.
My highlight from that day was being awarded first in every class we entered and finishing off with Supreme.
My husband kept telling me "Why don't you sell it, there would have to be people out there that have the same problems as you did with their tails",
I brushed him off many times until I was talking to a lovely lady at a show who had a beautiful palomino mini mare, but her tail was stained, and she hated it! This is when I thought why not what do I have to lose really??
Pelipa Park Equine Products was born - There is nothing better than watching a horse be prepared with your products trot around the ring absolutely gleaming or standing beside you in the line up!
Meet Paul
Our Strapper, Ticket Collector, my voice of reasoning when I am having breaks downs at shows and my unwavering support
My poor husband was I guess a victim of a horse girl! When we met, I had horses, and it just flowed over into our lives when we dated then we got married. When I started to show horses again, Paul would get in and help me scrub away trying to get them as clean as we possibly could, when we couldn't go to show due to hives, he was the soothing voice saying there is always other shows to go to.
I never thought in a million year's Paul would step into the show ring!
He was happy being my strapper, cleaning and making our horses perfect before entering the ring, he would collect my tickets and be my unwavering support person, he shocked me by saying he would take our show mare into the ring and show her he was a natural!
Paul doesn't like the spotlight of showing but you can find him by my side at every show, wiping and cleaning away and he will occasionally go into the ring.